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Operating on territory

LHF-Connect is designed to be replicated in various local realities.

Here are the units already operational.

Pisa hospital

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-16 at

LHF-Connect @ Pisa started its activity on April 10 2020.

Its main activity is to put patients and their loved ones in audio-video communication and to allow doctors to communicate remotely.


Coordinator of this activity: Marina Carbone

logoaoup Pisa.png

Opportunities in this area:

massa hospital


LHF-Connect @Massa started its activity on April 9, 2020.

Its main activity is to put patients and their loved ones in audio-video communication.


Coordinator of this activity : Manuel G. Catalano.

logoaoup Pisa.png

Opportunities in this area:

ASFARM Centro Polivalente Assistenza Persone Anziane Comune di Induno Olona

LHF Connect Induno Olona.jpeg

LHF-Connect @Induno Olona started its activity on April 20 2020.

Its main activity is to put patients and their loved ones in audio-video communication and to allow doctors to communicate remotely.


Coordinator of this activity : Cesare Cappella.


Opportunities in this area:

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